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Answers to
last issue’s
Our Country & Our Government
Jefferson did not sign the Constitution. George Washington and Benjamin Franklin
should have been easy. Abraham Baldwin was one of the
two signers from
Georgia. William Few was the other. He was also the
founder of the University System of Georgia. There is a
college in Tifton which bears his name. Thomas
Jefferson, although a famous patriot, was not a fan of
the Constitution. He was not in favor of such a strong
central government and he felt that the Constitution did
not do enough to protect the citizens from the power of
the government. Because of him and those who agreed with
him the first ten amendments, that we call the “Bill of
Rights” was added.
the phase “separation of church and state,” is nowhere
in the Constitution or any of its amendments. Amendment
one states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof...” This part of the first amendment
was meant to protect religious freedoms, not to abolish
Amendment 18, the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages,
(1919), was repealed by the 21st Amendment in
No one.
The Articles of Confederation, which was the national
government form 1781 until 1788, had no executive
branch, hence no president.
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Country & Our
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Our Country & Our
A lot of readers told us
that last weeks questions were too hard. These should be
following is a quotation from a famous speech. Who gave
the speech?
”Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or
ill, that we shall pay any price, bare any burden, meet
any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to
assure the survival and the success of liberty.”
George Washington
Patrick Henry
Abraham Lincoln
Harry S. Truman
John F. Kennedy
Who said
”The basis of our political systems is the right of the
people to make and to alter their constitutions of
government. But the constitution which at any time
exists, till changed by explicit and authentic act of
the whole people, is sacred obligatory upon all…”
George Washington
Patrick Henry
Abraham Lincoln
Harry S. Truman
John F. Kennedy
How many of
the 43 men who have been President of the United States
of America were lawyers?
How many of
the 43 men who have been President of the United States
of America were farmers or planters?
Who served
the shortest time as President?
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Theme of the Week
I am a slow
walker, but I never walk backwards.
Abraham Lincoln
Great works
are performed not strength but by perseverance.
Samuel Johnson
never, never, never give up.
Winston Churchill
Press on. Nothing in the world can
take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing in the
world is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius
is almost a proverb
Education will not; the world is
full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination
alone are omnipotent.
Calvin Coolidge
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How many national champions are
As everyone not living on Mars knows the Division I
college football national championship is as much a
popularity contest as anything else, with two, three
or more “National Champions”. The polls are completely
crazy and bias. If some sports writer or coach picks
Team A as number one in the preseason he is going to
keep picking Team A as number one unless it losses- no
matter what else happens. Why? Because those doing the
picking want to be right, so they make themselves
After Auburn handedly beat a very good Georgia team,
everyone with a brain, except many of the pollsters,
felt they were the best team in the nation or at the
very worst number two. And those with brains have a
very good augment. Auburn has beaten several good
teams by a large margin and never been close to
losing. USC and Oklahoma have both trailed poor teams
and had to rally to win. A poor officiating call at
the end of the Californian game gave USC a win they
didn’t deserve and Oklahoma gave up a ton of points
and had to rally late to be two mediocre teams.
Should Mike Shula get his injury laden Crimson Tide to
upset Auburn in the Ironbowl or if the tigers have
their worst performance of the year in the SEC
Championship game, allowing an inferior Tennessee team
to beat them, the polls will make little difference.
But neither of these things are likely to happen. More
than likely, USC, Oklahoma and Auburn, to say nothing
of Utah, will all end the regular season undefeated.
There is more than a good chance that Auburn will pass
Oklahoma with wins in its last two games. But this
doesn’t change the fact that somebody will be left
We could end up with two or more teams left undefeated
after all is said and done. One would be crowned the
“National Champion” by the BCS, and maybe the AP and
CNN/ESPN, or maybe they crown another “National
Champion”. They may have three or four “National
Champions.” Last year there were two major “National
Champions”. I say major because there were
other polls that selected someone else.
Without a playoff for division one football we will
never have a true National Champion. Alabama claims
the most national championships, but so does Notre
Dame. Who is right? Well it depends on who you ask and
what you count. Alabama says they have twelve, but if
you count every year any poll selected them as the
National Champion, they have seventeen. The twelve
Alabama itself counts are the AP, UPI, CNN/ESPN, and
before these polls existed, their selection by the
majority of the earlier polls. There were twenty-one
years that some poll picked Notre Dame as the
National Champion, but if you use the criteria that
Alabama uses, Notre Dame only has nine championships.
In other words, nine years one of the major modern
polls, AP, UPI, CNN/ESPN, or before them a majority of
the other polls selected Notre Dame. In 1993 all the
major polls selected FSU as the National Champion, but
there was one poll that selected Notre Dame and
another that picked Auburn. (The selection of Notre
Dame was ridiculous, but Auburn was the only
undefeated team that year, but they were on probation
and could not play in the postseason.)
In 1966 a few obscure polls selected Alabama as the
National Champion but the AP and UPI picked Notre
Dame. The AP and UPI had Alabama third behind, Notre
Dame and Michigan. This despite the fact that Alabama
was 11-0-0 and Notre Dame and Michigan was 10-0-1.
They tied each other. A few years later Bama was on
the other side of an injustice. The UPI voted them
National Champions although they lost to Texas in the
Playoffs are not perfect either. Valdosta State lost
in the first round of the division two playoffs a few
yeas ago. They were ranked number one in the polls at
the time and probably were the best team in the
division that year. They were much better than the
team that beat them, just not that Saturday. While it
is unfortunate that a bad performance on one day can
wipe away a great season, is still much better than to
have someone’s opinion decide the champion.
Those that say that a playoff for division one
football will not work just have a hidden agenda.
Other division one sports have playoffs. The other
collegiate divisions have football playoffs. The only
reason not to have playoff is to protect the bowl
system. Views & News will present a playoff system for
division one football that is fare and will work with
the bowl system, in our next issue.
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Know Religion
While many of the humanists and atheists would have us
believe that religion is outdated and irrelevant in
today’s world, the fact is that the overwhelming
majority of the world’s inhabitants have very strong
religious views. Most of the good actions, and sadly,
many of the bad, are done for religious reason. In this
country we as a nation have strayed far from our
religious roots. Views & News will present an essay on a
different religion each week.
will be as subjective, opened minded, factual, and fair
as possible. Nothing in any essay is in anyway intended
as an endorsement of any particular religion. If you
would like to dispute, correct, or add to anything
presented, please submit these to us. Christian and
non-Christian religions will both be covered and we will
select their order by what we deem as relevant and
interesting at the present time. Religions that are very
well known, will be presented after those we know little
of as a matter of course.
this point in history there is no other religion that is
more in the focus of Americans than Islam. We know
little of it, and few of us are Moslem, yet it impacts
our lives in a major way.
Islam is the religion of over 1.1 billion people. It
ranks 2nd to Christianity, which has about 2
billion followers worldwide. Moslems or Muslims are most
heavily concentrated in the Middle East, North Africa, and Indonesia, but
there are Moslems in almost every country of the world.
It is the state religion of many Arab countries, such as
Saudi Arabia, Iran, Oman, and Kuwait and until recently
Iraq and Afghanistan, where the practice of other
religions is outlawed or unofficially suppressed.
name of their religion, Islam, means to surrender, (to
Allah, (God)). Muslim or the Anglicized “Moslem” means
one who surrenders. Islam, founded in 622 AD, is the
newest of what is called the three great monotheistic
religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. According to
its own declaration, Islam acknowledged the validity of
Judaism and Christianity, believing itself to be the
fulfillment of these earlier religions.
Evidence shows, however, that Islam went back to a
primitive monotheistic belief of ancient Arabia. Though
the early faith in Allah was not monotheism complete
with theological dogma, there was a continuous tradition
among the peoples of the desert, or among some of them,
which maintained a belief in an Originator, a Supreme
Being. This High God was the guardian of their flocks,
arbiter of ends, protector of their lives, sender of the
rain, and their defender against the hazards of fate.
Moslems worship one God, called Allah (Arabic for “The
God”). They believe He sands alone, has absolute will,
and controls all of man’s actions. In most other
respects, however, He resembles the Christian and Jewish
Moslems believe God gave certain men the power to
communicate with him through angles. The function of
these men was to guide other mortals to Salvation. The
greatest of theses prophets were Adam, Noah, the house
of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed. Moslems accept
the miracles and virgin birth of Jesus but deny his
divinity, crucifixion and resurrection. The do not
attribute supernatural powers to Mohammed, but consider
him the last and hence the most authoritative of the
Koran, now usually spelled with a Q, is the basic source
of Islamic law and ritual. Moslems believe it was
dictated to Mohammed by God, though the angel Gabriel.
Like Christians, Moslems believe in a Judgment Day, when
the righteous will be rewarded and the wicked will be
punished. The Koran’s description of Judgment Day is
generally similar to the Bible’s, although the details
Moslem has five religious obligations: Profession of
faith. A Moslem’s most essential obligation is the
repetition of this creed: “There is no God but Allah;
Mohammed is His Prophet.”
Prayers: Prayers must be said five times each day. They
may be said either privately or in a mosque. In public
worship, men and women are usually separated. A
worshiper precedes prayer with a ritual washing. He then
faces the holy city of Mecca and follows a fixed ritual
of recitation and prostration. On Fridays, a worship
service at the mosque is required. Besides the ritual
prayers, the service includes a reading from the Koran
and a sermon.
Almsgiving: Alms maybe compulsory (zakat) of voluntary
(sadaqat). Only when zakat has been paid, in money or
goods, is the rest of Moslem’s property considered
purified and legitimate. In Moslem states, zakat is
collected by the government.
Fasting: Moslems cannot eat or drink during the daylight
hours of Ramadan, the ninth month of their lunar year.
Pilgrimage: Once in his lifetime, every Moslem who is
financially and physically able must travel to Mecca.
This pilgrimage is called the hajj. A Moslem who has
made it is a hajji.
Religious War or Jihad: Moslems consider it an
obligation to spread Islam by force. The Koran does not
specifically state this but Mohammed taught, “invitation
first, next the sword.”
beginnings of Islam go back to Mohammed’s preaching in
his native Mecca. However, the faith did
not become fully developed until he moved to Medina,
(until then called Yathrib) in 622 AD. His migration to
Medina, called the Hegira, begins the Moslem calendar.
Mohammed expanded Islam through conquest; he fought some
eighty wars and by his death he had conquered most of
the Arabia peninsula. His early successors continued
this practice. The Moslem warriors believed that if they
died for Islam they would automatically go to heaven.
This belief, along with the promise of land and loot,
spurred the Moslem armies on to conquer the Middle East, North Africa, and Spain. They
almost overran southwestern Europe, but were stopped by
the Franks under Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours.
During the early period of conquest, bitter theological
and political dissension developed among the Moslems. In
the selection of early caliphs, (successors to Mohammed
as rulers of the Moslem world), Ali, the son-in-law of
Mohammed, was bypassed. The third caliph, a member of
the Omayya family, was murdered by malcontents in 656,
and Ali was elected to succeed him. Muawiyah, the
Omayyad governor of Syria, refused to recognize Ali as
When Ali was murdered in 661 by a member of a dissident
sect, Muawiyah succeeded him, moved the Moslem capital
from Medina to Damascus, and made the caliphate
hereditary in the Omayya family. Military force was
required to establish the new caliph’s political
authority. Spiritually, many Moslems never accepted him.
The followers of Ali formed a new branch of Islam – the
Shiite, as opposed to the Sunnite, or orthodox, branch.
These two great divisions still exist today. The Shiites
believe that Ali had divine powers and was the first
legitimate caliph and that his heirs, also divinely
inspired, were the rightful rulers of Islam. These
rulers are called imams.
succession of caliphs, called the caliphate, survived
until 1924. At the present time, there is no universal
Moslem leader.
Next Week – Jehovah’s
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