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Talk radio impugns
McCain's liberal record
Conservative talk radio is ganging up on presidential candidate
John McCain, attacking him for joining Democrats to push liberal
legislation and opposing bedrock Republican positions from tax
cuts to immigration.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney appears to
be the favorite of conservative talk-radio stars and stands to
benefit from their distaste for the Arizona senator, who is
running neck and neck with Mr. Romney in the race for the
presidential nomination.
While most polls show the two men in a dead heat
in key primary and caucus contests across the nation, the campaign
battle on talk radio has turned into a lopsided offensive against
Mr. McCain, whose positions on illegal aliens, President Bush's
tax cuts, oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
and campaign-finance regulation have infuriated conservative
"I don't think talk radio has changed their core
views. Look at Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity,
Michael Medved, Mark Levin and myself, all center-right
conservatives generally supportive of the Republicans," talk-radio
host Hugh Hewitt told The Washington Times.
"I think if you were to poll that universe of
talkers, you would find they would be anti-McCain-Feingold [on
campaign finance]; anti-McCain-Kennedy [on immigration], except
for Medved; pro-oil exploration in ANWR; and supporters of the
Bush tax cuts," Mr. Hewitt said as he ticked off bills the Arizona
senator has championed or opposed in the Senate.
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My Powerful
By John R. Taylor
Once again my cousins have questioned my memory. Because they have
puny memories they are awed by my great recollection. I guess I
should say that they are ‘recall challenged”, not possessors of
puny memories; you know, political correctness and everything. But
they do have puny memories. After much brilliant debate on my part
I have finally got them to concede that I do have a superior
memory. In fact, they now say my memory is so mighty that I can
actually remember things which did not even happen. It’s about
time they came around.
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Now We
Know Everything!
By John R. Taylor
The other day Cynthia Tucker wrote a
column in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution titled “Evolution a
vital study; that’s a fact.” It was not really any different than
hundreds of others that are churned out everyday. Her main points
are that Georgia’s children will stay in the “education cellar” if
a disclaimer sticker is placed on text books which teach evolution
and that many scientific theories are accepted as implicit facts.
She gives gravity as an example.
As is typical of such works, her
implications are more insulting and ridiculous than what she
actually writes. Although she stops short of calling
“creationists” and “biblical literalists” ignorant, stupid,
uneducated and without intellectual merit, the implication is
unmistakable. While not saying it, her view that evolution is the
one and only scientific theory which call never be questioned and
that anyone who wishes to have an open debate about it are
religious fanatics and dumb country bumpkins, it is still very
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Our Enemies Have
By John R.
[From Dec 2004]
To those who feel
it was a mistake to invade Iraq: you have failed to learn a very
important lessen in logic. As a teaching tool, let me tell you how
my daughter learned this lesson.
As a new sixteen
year old driver, she was parking in a shopping center parking lot.
The space she decided to park in was an angle type and it was
angled in the other direction. As she started entering the space,
my niece, who was setting in the front passenger side, said she
didn’t think they could make it. Well, my daughter thought she
could. She kept going. When she felt the car stop and saw the
white Toyota in front of her rock, she knew she had been wrong.
The lesson in logic
she learned that day, and the one I hope my disgruntle countryman
will soon learn, is that the consequences of being wrong is a
factor of paramount importance in any decision. What was my
daughter’s down side. If she was wrong but continued on her
course, she would cause an accident, damage property and possible
cause injury, a relatively catastrophic loss. If she was right and
could have made it, but stopped anyway, she would have to stop and
back up, a relatively small loss.
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Is America ready
for a Mormon president?
By Alec Russell in
Salt Lake City
(Filed: 10/02/2006)
When Reed Smoot
arrived in Washington as a newly elected Utah senator a little
over a century ago, he was left in no doubt what America thought
of Mormons assuming positions of federal power.
"Perhaps it may be
for the best that the Mormons should send an apostle to
Washington," opined Harper's Weekly. "It stimulates the public
disgust. They have thriven on ignorance, obscurity and sensuality.
Attention of decent enlightened people is the last thing that will
profit them."
And that was among
the more open-minded commentaries. For the next four years, from
1903 to 1907, Smoot was treated as little better than a one-man
freak show as enemies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints subjected him to thousands of hours of hearings to deny him
his seat.
The church is
recalling the saga with trepidation as one member, Mitt Romney,
the Republican governor of Massachusetts, prepares for a serious
tilt at the White House in 2008.
"The Smoot hearings
were a watershed event in our relations with the United States and
the world," said Dallin Oaks, one of the 12 apostles who counsel
the prophet, the Mormon equivalent of the Pope.
"If Romney should
be the [Republican] nominee, the church will be in a position in
the media that it has not been in since the Smoot hearings. You
couldn't read a newspaper for four or five years without reading
about Mormons during the Smoot hearings.
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We fund terrorist every time we
turn the key
By John R. Taylor
You have heard all
those who want to mind everybody else’s business scream about your
SUV. How you should feel guilty about driving one because you are
aiding terrorist and destroying the environment. Well maybe you
are, but isn’t it going a bit far when we don’t have even the
freedom to choose what we drive? If are willing to pay $50 for a
tank of fuel that will take you 200 miles, I think you should have
that right. I like paying $16 for a tank that will take me 400
miles better; of course I’d like it better were it four or five
The problem is that we
should be able to drive what we want and can afford, and not dirty
up all our air, and help those who wish us dead. And we can. We
may not do it, but it is completely in our power to do it. What we
all together must realize is that it is not so important what we
pour our fuel into, but rather what the fuel is we are putting in
it. The gasoline we now use is distilled from petroleum crude oil,
a resource we have in great supply, but not nearly so great as our
colossal appetite for it. Because we can’t supply it domestically
we have no choice but to import it. The United Kingdom has a vast
North Sea reserve and we import enormous quantities form them.
This adds to our trade deficit and is therefore damaging to our
economy, however the UK is our ally and doing business with them
is much more favorable than doing business with counties and
peoples who are trying to destroy us. But we require so much oil
that we must get it from everywhere. OPEC, the Oil Producing and
Exporting Countries, is a cartel of mostly Middle Eastern
countries; Venezuela being the notable exception. That their
anti-competitive practice of suppliers banning together to control
the price of a commodity is unethical and would be illegal in this
country, should be enough for us not to trade with them to say
nothing of the fact that of every dollar we Americans spend on
their oil much of it goes to sponsor terrorism and acts of
violence against us and our allies. We are most literally trading
with the enemy. The attacks of 9/11 were funded by American
dollars paid to Saudi Arabia for oil.
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Lancing Boils and
Working Medicine or Physician Heal Thyself
By John R. Taylor
Watching my
children raise their families, I have noticed that they carry
their children to the doctor much more frequently than I did them.
And as I think back, my parents used physicians much less than
even I did. Now I, in no way, am implying or suggesting that my
children use doctors too much or that my parents use them too
little. But this has made me think about my childhood, and how
things were way back then.
Growing up I was
cursed with chronic lesions or boils. The things old folks back
then called risens. More often than not, I had one of these
painful and embarrassing sores someplace on my body. Daddy took me
to the doctor a time or two about them, but all we ever got from
him was a bill, so Daddy and Mama treated me themselves.
Mama’s idea about
the cause of my affliction was that I had poison in my system and
it needed to come out. I just needed a “good working”. Her
approach to getting it out was straight forward enough. She give
me large doses of an archaic laxative called Syrup of Black Drouph;
I, nor my computer can spell it, and it may have been drought, or
something else, but this black, sweet tasting liquid had an effect
I remember all too well. I think this stuff must have been
invented back during the Spanish Inquisition for torturing
heretics. I have read about some of the instruments used for that
purpose and this tonic would have fit right in.
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The Names Have Been Left the Same
by John R. Taylor
You often read stories or see
movies that tell you the names have been changed to protect the
innocent. Well this story has no innocents. I know all the
characters and they are none of them even close to innocent. Now I
am telling this tail for the truth, though I can’t really testify
that I actually remember the events themselves, but I do remember
telling the story many times. In the telling over the years some
of the facts have gotten fuzzy around the edges and some more have
been completely lost, and I think maybe I have made up a few to
take their place.
My yarn I have for you is from a time long ago, a time some say
was ignorant, intolerant and backward, but I remember as good,
clean and peaceful. It was a time when young children and teens
said “yes Sir and no Mam,” to their elders.
It was a time when not every family
had a television and those who did had only one and usually got
only one channel. The programs were of the type, The Andy Griffin
Show, Bonanza and the Wonderful World of Color. Genie was the
raciest thing on. Right and wrong were black and white and not
shades of gray. Summers were long and hot and we children could
not fathom the meaning of the word bored. Our imaginations were
boundless as we were kings, knights, cowboys, Indians and
superheros. The magical phrase, pretend like, instantly
transformed us into whatever or whoever our young minds could
conceive. A scrawny twelve year old boy could become an Indian
chief. An old abandon tobacco harvester became a Martian
spaceship. We had used the phrase so often we shortened it to one
word, “tenlike”, although we never noticed that we had. “Tenlike
you’re a cowboy and that stick is your gun.” Poof! I was a dashing
and daring cowboy and a stick from a pecan tree was a Colt
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